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We hope you will be able to join us this year 2025, for a special time of building relationship with our FATHER and with each other.
Woman of Valor Ladies' Conference was established and is presented to encourage, teach, challenge, and bless the daughters of God (YHWH) in in building real relationship with Him and within the Body. We strive to present topics and studies that will help each woman grow and thrive in both of these areas.
Woman of Valor Conferences will present only the truth of scripture (the whole scripture) as the authoritative Word of God (YHWH) and our guide to living in obedience to Him. (2 Timothy 3:16) We do not teach doctrine from any denomination. This is a time of putting aside our differences and concentrating on our relationship as the daughters of God and sisters in Messiah. (Mark 3:33-35)
We recognize the Hebrew names of our God (YHWH) and His Son Jesus (Yeshua) and will often use them interchangeably. We recognize that Jesus/Yeshua is the only way to salvation and we strive to live lives worthy of His gospel. (Acts 4:12) If you too recognize that Jesus/Yeshua is the only way to salvation, then you are our sister in Him and we long to learn and worship with you.
We also recognize that we have been called to be modest in our dress and gentle in our speech. We expect the same from all who attend the conference.
FAQ's about our conference:
1) Do you speak the sacred name of God and His Son?
None of us were present when YHVH/YHWH spoke His proper name to Moses, and ancient Hebrew did not have vowels. So none of us truly know how to pronounce God's name. Some say Ye ho vah, Yehu wah, Ye hoo wah, Yah Way, and various other pronounciations. We do not presume to tell anyone how to pronounce His name, nor do we take offense with those who use the words God and Jesus. Leviticus 19:18
2) With what denomination are you associated?
We are not associated with any denomination, nor do we teach any denominational doctrine. We are respectful of everyone's ideas and understanding. We stick to the Scriptures, and Scripture alone, for all teaching and sharing. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to bring understanding, not ours to make others see our point of view. If you call upon the name of Jesus/Yeshua for salvation, you are our sister and we welcome you!
Deut 29:4; Phil 2:3
3) Do you believe in the deity of our Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua?
Yes, we believe that Jesus/Yeshua is the son of God and the only way to salvation. Acts 2:22-36 We also believe Yeshua when he told us that He and the Father are one. John 10:30. Everyone who believes these truths is a sister in Messiah and welcome to our conferences.
4) Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
Yes, Yeshua told us that he would send us the Holy spirit to remind us of the things that God and Yeshua taught. Paul tells us that the holy spirit is God, is Yeshua. The holy spirit is not a separate entity and cannot do anything outside of Yah's will, nor does it bring glory to itself.
5) Why don't you hire popular speakers/praise leaders?
We seek leaders from those among our fellow sisters who are willing to humbly share their gifts in order to build up the Body. It is not about being "talented" or popular, it is about humbly offering our best in service to Him and His daughters. We are not to be judgmental of what others bring, or how they bring their offering. "For YHWH does not see as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance (talent/popularity), but YHWH looks at the heart." 1 Sam 16; 1 Cor 12:1-7; James 5:9
6) Do you teach on the calendar, head coverings, holidays, euchrist, etc?
No, we do not teach things that are personal preferences, doctrinal issues of man, opinions, or disputable matters. We stick to Scripture and ask that our attendees do the same, seasoning all conversation with grace. Romans 14:12-13.
7) What should we bring?
We recommend that you bring your physical bible, a pen or pencil, and a humble and teachable heart. We will dig deep into God's word and do our best to make it applicable in different areas of our lives as we build relationship with our FATHER and with each other. We offer questions, scriptures, and discussion prompts to help us truly write His word on our hearts and allow it to transform our minds. We also have gruop activites that encourage building relationship with one another. This is not a shallow, feel good weekend. It is a time of growth, healing, transformation and refreshment.
From the moment that Yah put this conference on our hearts and minds He made it clear that we are not to try to emulate or compete with other conferences. This conference is specifically about relationship- with God and with each other. The focus of our conference will aways be the two greatest commands as singled out by our Messiah- to love God and to love our neighbor, as He has instructed us in how to love Him and each other. Our goal each year is to present to you what God has directed in order that all of us may receive and draw closer to His heart. It is also to build relationship with one another that the Body of Messiah might truly function in a healthy and righteous manner. We pray for all who will come spend this weekend at the feet of our Savior.
Anyone disrupting the conference, creating an atmosphere of division, or causing others to feel unwelcome or unsafe will be escorted out of the conference and will not be allowed to return. It is our prayer that we will all be mature and loving in relating with one another so that we never experience having to ask anyone to leave.
We welcome you to join us for a ladies' conference focused on encouraging the daughters in the Body of Messiah to build a stronger relationship with God and with each other.
Whether we are 12 or 112 years old we all have a lot to learn about being the woman, and the Body, that Yah (God) created each of us to be. Let's grow into our roles together!
YHWH is leading us to again focus on building healthy relationships with Him, ourselves, and with others. He is doing a great healing within the Body and this weekend will be no exception! We will be helping make these truths in healing and in building relationships more applicable and doable this year.
Our presenters this year will be Shay Broughton, DeAnna Willman and others.
Our main topics this year are:
Review of The Mind-Body-Brain connection to health and healing
Spiritual Warfare
Intercessory Prayer
Forgiveness and Repentance
Generational strongholds, diseases, and curses
Praise will be led by TBA
We will be at the Mallet Event Center in Levelland, Texas!
2320 S. St Hwy 385, Levelland, 79336
This venue is perfect for our conference with plenty of room for dance and vendors! We are excited to again be at this site, and the staff of Mallet is excited to have us there! They are praying for us and our conference!
Registration will open May 5th 2025 and will close June 20th.
registration is $85 per lady. The price includes three meals, two continental breakfasts, swag bags, door prizes and a weekend that will change your life.
Young women under the age of twenty, accompanied by an adult, and college students with current college ID are $55 per person. To register, please see instructions below.
Nursing babies only, no child care provided. A privacy room will be provided for nursing moms.
Best Western, Holiday Inn Express, Best Inn Texas, and several AIRB & B's are in town. We found that the best rates for the hotels are online, so this year we do not have a deal with any hotel. However, we recommend you book your rooms now, as there are several other large activities taking place in and around town this particular weekend.
There are two RV parks nearby for those who would prefer their own accomodations.
To register:
click on the SHOP page and order your registration today! You will be able to pay by Paypal or credit card. Or click on contact us page and email us to order by check or CASHAPP.
We will email you with confirmation of your registration and payment, as well with more information regarding the conference. We look forward to being with you for this amazing weekend with our Father!